Monday, September 13, 2010

What a teenager with autism can teach us

While on facebook, I was fortunate to have someone post an amazing video about a young teenage girl with autism who was counted out by others only to have a miraculous opportunity to open the door into her world. As one who ministers to individuals with disabilities, it is easy to listen to what the experts have to say and leave it at that. This should not be the case concerning ministry when the true authority in the whole situation is none other than our Creator -- God. He has a plan for their lives just as He has a plan for our lives, and sometimes we just sit back, listen to worldy wisdom, and miss out on what could potentially be an amazing blessing in our lives. Please take the time to watch this video. Then ask yourself, "What am I doing in my ministry or work that opens a door for God to do His work in this individual's life and maybe opens that opportunity for them to break free and be ministered to as God has enabled them?"

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Most Churches Not Prepared to Minister to Special Needs Children

This article was written in 2004, but sadly churches have not changed much since this article was written. It is my desire to work towards changing this. No family should not feel welcome at church because they have a child with special needs. This is why 90% of families of children with special needs are not involved in church. We need to create ministries within our churches so that these families can be at church every time the doors are open.